A year ago I was suffering a severe depression. I found it difficult to even leave my home, and when I did go out, it took me 2 to 3 hours to get there. I was almost 50 lbs. over weight and the idea of structured exercise depressed me even more. My cat "Mica" was pregnant and 2 weeks from delivery day and I borrowed my brother's camera so I could take pictures when the babaies came. As I sat here at my computure stuck in FarmTown on facebook, I had an epiphany. I washed my face, quickly applied a miniscule amount of mascara, threw my uncombed hair under a ball cap, grabbed that camera, and headed out the door. I just walked. I looked for every pretty thing I could possibly find to take a picture of, and I found ALOT! I walked and snapped and snapped and walked. 3 hours and at least as many miles later, I walked back in my door... EXHAUSTED! And happy! I had taken some really good pictures and I wanted to share them. I learned how to resize them thru MicroSoft Picture Manager, and I was on my way. The next day I did the same thing but went out walking in a different direction. I was amazed by all the beautiful things, plants, flowers (mostly flowers) still alive and thriving in the November cold. I snapped and walked and walked and snapped.
Thus, the birth my of new favorite hobby. I lost nearly 20 lbs. walking and snapping and snapping and walking. Then I started a job. I STARTED A JOB!!! Yay me!!! ... and I quit walking... Boo me!!! I didn't take any pictures for a few months and I felt myself sinking slowly back into my abbyss... and then... I washed my face, threw my hair under a ball cap, grabbed that camera, and headed out the door.
I now have a different job that requires me to work long hours. I am away from home for 11 1/2 hours 4 days a week with a short day on Friday, so I make it my goal to be out with my camera for at least 3 hours each Saturday. I go where ever my feet and my camera lead me. I snap and walk and walk and snap, and I'm learning to take better pictures, and my passion for it is helping me to be healthy... both mentally and physically.
Please bare with me... this is my first attempt at blooging. :)